LA Court Connect Provided Free of Charge During Delta Variant Surge


LA Court Connect Provided Free of Charge During Delta Variant Surge

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Effective September 7, 2021, the Los Angeles Superior Court system will waive the $15.00 cost- recovery fee for all remote courtroom appearances.  LACourtConnect (LACC) is the Court’s remote courtroom appearance technology.

The Court received a one-time budget funding from the state legislature, and decided to use some of the funds for remote appearances.  Remote appearances help prevent the spread of Covid 19 – especially the Delta variant - and with additional funds, the court will be able to help more litigants use the remote system.  Hopefully, this funding will cut back on the current back log of cases.

“I applaud our statewide government for providing this one-time funding in the FY 2021/2022 state budget, which will allow the Court to make LACC more accessible to anyone who wants to appear remotely for hearings,” Presiding Court Judge Eric C. Taylor said. “The Court is taking a measured, responsible approach to return our operations to pre-pandemic levels, and we are always seeking ways to increase safe access to justice. Using these one-time resources will help us extend that access to even more litigants, which will increase remote appearances during the Delta surge in LA County.

“While the one-time COVID-backlog funding is a welcome resource, a permanent funding solution is needed to support programs like LACC, which increase access to justice and encourage efficiency in court operations,” Presiding Judge Taylor said.

“I am hopeful that ongoing state funding will be provided to all trial courts in the future and especially to those courts, like Los Angeles, that are deemed under-funded,” Presiding Judge Taylor said.

LACC was developed and launched by the Court on an expedited basis at the start of the pandemic.  It provides a safe and convenient alternative to in-person appearances.  The program allows parties (in certain cases) to appear in court via video or audio. It promotes convenience, eliminates transportation, childcare and parking costs.  Also, LACC saves litigants from taking time off from work plus commuting time required to attend court proceedings in-person.  Further, LACC reduces foot traffic in courthouses, which helps the Court achieve its chief goal of making courthouses as safe as possible during the pandemic.

For further information on LACourtConnect, follow the Court on twitter (@LASuperiorCourt) or on the Court’s website at (
