Deadlines Extended for Criminal and Juvenile Courts and Covid Mandates Remain


On June 17, 2021, California Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye provided LA County Presiding Judge Eric C. Taylor emergency authority to issue a new General Order.  This Order extends last-day deadlines for juvenile dependency and criminal matter.  The Order helps the court in its ongoing post-pandemic expansion of jury trials in the largest trial court system in the nation.  The Order allows the court to transition responsibly to operating safely at pre-pandemic levels.

According to Presiding Judge Taylor, “This week has brought welcome news for Californians as Governor Gavin Newsom has fully re-opened the state’s economy, relaxed masking requirements and eliminated social distancing.  While the state and county public health guidelines for managing COVID-19 have been lifted and vaccinations increase in California, the Court is eagerly planning to align its operations with recent revisions to state and Cal/OSHA workplace guidance. We are reviewing these new regulations to soon enhance in-person access to our courthouses and services while continuing to offer new convenient customer service and remote courtroom appearance solutions implemented during the pandemic.”

The June 18, 2021 Order extends deadlines as follows: “…


• Extends the time provided by section 859b of the Penal Code for the holding of a preliminary examination and the defendant’s right to release from 10 court days to not more than 30 court days.

• Extends the time period provided in section 1382 of the Penal Code for the holding of a Criminal trial by not more than 30 days, applicable only to cases in which the original or previously extended statutory deadline otherwise would expire from June 19, 2021, to July 16, 2021, inclusive.

• Extends by 90 calendar days post-conviction progress reports set on June 19, 2021, to July 16, 2021, inclusive. • Extends by 90 calendar days, unless statutorily required to be held sooner and the defendant does not consent to a continuance, out-of-custody misdemeanor pretrial hearings set on June 19, 2021, to July 16, 2021, inclusive.

Juvenile Dependency:

• Extends the time periods provided in section 313 of the Welfare and Institutions Code within which a minor taken into custody pending Dependency proceedings must be released from custody to not more than seven (7) days, applicable only to minors for whom the statutory deadline would otherwise expire from June 19, 2021, to July 16, 2021, inclusive.

• Extends the time periods provided in section 315 of the Welfare and Institutions Code within which a minor taken into custody pending Dependency proceedings must be given a detention hearing to not more than seven (7) days, applicable only to minors for whom the statutory deadline would otherwise expire from June 19, 2021, to July 16, 2021, inclusive.

The Court also orders:

Courthouse Access Remote Appearances:

Access to courthouses is governed by General Order 2020-GEN-025-00 issued on November 23, 2020 and remains in effect. For telephone or video assistance, or to schedule an appointment, the telephone number for each courthouse is listed at the courthouse entry and posted on the Court’s website,

Face Coverings:

In accordance with Amended General Order No. 2021-GEN-009-02, issued on February 25, 2021, all persons are required to wear face coverings over their nose and mouth while in a courthouse. Persons whose disabilities preclude them from wearing face coverings are urged to seek an accommodation under Rule 1.100 of the California Rules of Court in advance of their court appearance or appointment.”