Listening Remotely to Non-Confidential Court Proceedings


Effective as of January 11, 2021, members of the media and the public are now able to listen in to non-confidential superior court proceedings. The availability comes with the court’s new Remote Audio Appearance Program (RAAP)

“We are implementing this new tool as part of our ongoing effort to ensure public access during the pandemic and to enforce social distancing requirements in Los Angeles County courthouses,” Presiding Judge Eric C. Taylor said.

According to executive officer/clerk of the court Sherri R. Carter, “RAAP enables users with a smart phone, tablet or computer with internet service to establish a remote connection to courtrooms and listen to nonconfidential court proceedings. The Court is pleased to offer RAAP as part of its Here For You | Safe For You initiative. The Court strongly encourages the use of its new convenient remote audio option, which requires users to create a Court ID and password and then register for remote listen-only audio access for each hearing. Attorneys Please Note: You can use your existing Court ID and password you created for the Attorney Portal to sign in to RAAP.”

It's important to note that under California Rules of Court Section 1.150, photography, recording and/or broadcasting of any court proceeding, whether remotely or in-person, is prohibited without a written order from the judicial officer presiding over the matter. However, the court will NOT allow any recordings or broadcasts by RAAP.

According to Carter, “[The] Here For You | Safe For You initiative, [ ] provides numerous protective measures to operate courthouses safely. Whether appearing or listening to proceedings by phone, from home, the office or coming to the courthouse, the Court provides safe, efficient options to access justice. The Court’s remote courtroom appearance technology options in all 600 courtrooms across the county promote social distancing by reducing the number of people appearing in person.”

To learn more about RAAP access on this online link

To learn more about Here For You | Safe For You use this online link
