Stormy Daniels and her Newest Storm


Stormy Daniels is the stage name of Stephanie A. Gregory Clifford. She is an adult actress, stripper, screenwriter and director.

Although well known in the adult entertainment industry, main-stream America didn’t get to know of her until 2017, when allegations of hush monies were paid to silence her regarding an alleged affair with President Donald Trump.

Notwithstanding her notoriety regarding the President of the United States, she now has a new legal battle to fight. According to TMZ, her husband, Glendon Crain (an adult entertainment actor and musician) is suing her for divorce in Texas court. Not only does he want a divorce, he wants her to stay away from him and their seven-year old daughter.

According to TMZ and Crain’s court documents Daniels should be ordered to stay away from him and their daughter because she wants to take the child with her on her current tour. He’s afraid the child would be subjected to other adult entertainment actors, risking both physical and emotional harm. He also accuses Daniels of adultery.

The judge granted Crain’s stay-away request and allowed Crain and their daughter exclusive use of the family’s home and vehicles and use of their credit cards.

Texas family law may be based on fault, but California is a no-fault divorce state. The accusation that Daniels had committed adultery during her marriage, would not be relevant to divorce proceedings in California – even if the parties had a pre-nuptial agreement promising never to cheat.

As for granting Crain’s stay-away orders, California would probably reach a different conclusion.

The California Family Code makes it clear that (unless there are other issues), it is in the best interests of a child to have continuing contact with both parents. By preventing complete contact with her daughter, if this were a Californian judge, his order would probably be reversed on appeal. All the judge had to do was order Daniels not to take her daughter with on tour with her, then allow Daniels to visit at other times.
