A Fuller House Can Pay Off Bigtime


Jodie Sweetin is an actress. In 1987, she got her big break on TV while playing the middle sister Stephanie Tanner in the sitcom Full House. She was five years old at the time. The show remains in syndication to this day.

After nine years on Full House, Sweetin acted sporadically, but sadly succumbed to the life of has-been child actor. She started drinking when she was 14, and began a 15-year addiction in drug abuse.

She got married at 20 to her first husband, and divorced him four years later. She married her second husband and gave birth to their daughter. She divorced him and married her third husband. She gave birth to their daughter, divorced him; and is now engaged to be married again.

Although she continued acting, the jobs were sporadic. Then in 2015, Netflix approved the showing of the spin-off series Fuller House. She reprised her role of Stephanie Tanner in the new show.

The show is a success and continues to be renewed. Now Sweetin in famous again and making good money.

Her third husband, Morty Coyle, wants some of that money in the form of child support for their daughter. When they divorced, Sweetin was earning approximately $4,000 per month, and was not ordered to pay child support. Now, however, according to Coyle’s court documents, Coyle estimates Sweetin is earning $600,000 per year and can afford to support their daughter. The judge agreed with Coyle (according documents obtained by the website TMZ) and ordered Sweetin to pay Coyle $2,800 per month for their daughter’s support.

In California, as long as there are children, both parents are responsible for the children’s financial welfare. A parent can go in to court at any time and request that child support be ordered, increased, or even decreased depending on the circumstances. The amount of support a parent pays is based on that parent’s income and lifestyle. Children are entitled to share in their parents’ lifestyle. Now that Sweetin has a six-figure income and the lifestyle that goes with it, her daughter will also share in that lifestyle.

Unlike spousal support, in California, the parents cannot agree to a permanent amount of child support – or the lack of child support. The support will always be based on the needs of the child and the lifestyle of his or her parents. The obligation to pay child support does not end until the child becomes an adult or is emancipated.
