5 Commonly Asked Divorce Questions


At The Law Offices of Makupson & Howard, our Pasadena divorce attorneys receive many questions from people who are considering a divorce. While each situation is unique, we’re addressing five of the most commonly asked questions about divorce. If you have further questions about divorce, or any other family law matter, call our firm today at (888) 328-2734.

1. How Long Does a Divorce Take?

While nearly everyone involved with the divorce would prefer that it be over as soon as possible, you should be prepared for a lengthy process. Some divorces are settled within 60 days, but more complex cases can take more than a year to complete. Generally speaking, the case will proceed faster if you can make compromises with your spouse instead of fighting over details.

2. Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer?

Technically speaking, you can complete the divorce process on your own without an attorney. However, this is usually a very bad idea. Divorce can quickly get complex and contentious, and it’s not easy to repair the damage caused by a bad divorce. Many people are worried about the cost, but hiring a quality family law attorney at the beginning of the process can definitely save you money in the long run.

3. Can My Past Come Back to Haunt Me in a Divorce?

The short answer is yes, but it really depends on your unique situation. For example, if you are trying to gain primary custody, a documented history of drug or alcohol abuse may be used against you by your spouse’s attorney. On the other hand, if you can prove that you have been working to reform or change harmful behavior, that may actually work to your favor. It is crucial to share every detail with your attorney, so that they can be prepared to defend you.

4. Can I Get Full Custody of My Children?

There is a common misconception that custody is always given completely to one parent or the other. In most cases, both parents have custody rights, with one parent being named the primary caregiver, or primary conservator. This parent will be have majority access to the child, and will make decisions about matters like residency. Unless the other parent yields to you, or if you can prove that they are unfit to parent, your attorney will likely need to fight aggressively to secure primary custody on your behalf.

5. I’m a Man – Will I Have to Pay Alimony?

Another very common misconception about divorce is that men will automatically have to pay alimony to their ex-wife. While this may have been true decades ago, it is no longer accurate. These days, it is not uncommon for women to be ordered to pay alimony to their ex-husbands. Alimony will be based on the needs of each spouse, not on their gender.

Are you considering divorce? Call our Pasadena divorce lawyers at (888) 328-2734 for compassionate counsel.
