How Does the Court Determine Child Custody in California?


When evaluating a divorce or separation case that involves child custody, the court will take into consideration the best interests of the children involved. The results most often result in shared time between both parents due to the benefits seen from having the involvement of a mother and father in a child's life. The caseswhere this is not the decision will generally involve an unfit parent. The first matter is determining what the best interests of the child are. The factors that go into this include:

  • The age of the child
  • The health of the child and the parents
  • Existing emotional ties between the child and each parent
  • The existence of a primary parent
  • The parent's lifestyle
  • The parent's ability to provide for the child
  • The change in status quo that may occur and the impact it may have

There are cases, when the child is over age 12, that the court may take their personal preference into account. Overall, the court gathers all information possible and will come to a decision regarding what they see as best for the children involved. As a parent in a child custody battle, it is important to seek help from a family law attorney who has handled custody cases in California. With our help, you can build a case to present to the court that shows evidence that time with you is in the best interest of your child. We can help you reach a desirable visitation schedule that best fits your needs and wants as well as the needs of your child. The Law Offices of Makupson & Howard has more than 30 years of experience assisting individuals in their custody matters and we can help you as well. Contact us now at (888) 328-2734 to get started.
