Tips and Answers about Child Custody Issues Involving Immigrants


Immigration Attorney Heather Poole along with Family Lawyer Kristen Howard participated in a podcast regarding family law and in particular, child custody cases involving an immigrant parent. Attorney Kristen Howard from our firm, the Law Offices of Makupson & Howard, answered many questions and gave helpful tips on many questions involving child custody matters between an immigrant and their spouse. Attorney Poole asked common questions that many immigration clients have regarding family law and child custody cases while Attorney Howard shared her knowledge on the matters. She explains the various types of custody and what the responsibilities include for both. Some of the other issues covered in the podcast include:

  • Child support matters
  • Child custody orders
  • Paternity cases
  • Visitation plans
  • Threats of taking children away
  • Flight risks & kidnapping
  • Temporary visa issues in divorce
  • Work visas in custody matters
  • The Hague Convention
  • Violations of custody orders
  • Child abuse in immigrant cases
  • Restraining orders in immigrant cases

If you are facing a custody case and you are an immigrant, you need an experienced family lawyer on your side. Oftentimes, people are afraid to pursue these matters due to the fact that they are an immigrant but you can seek help in this process. The podcast also discusses how to find a skilled attorney familiar with these types of cases. To learn about many of the common questions asked by immigrants regarding custody and family law matters, listen to the podcast. This specific discussion is found under Episode 13, titled: Child Custody and Immigration with Guest Attorney Kristen Howard. On top of that, do not hesitate to contact Attorney Howard from the Law Offices of Makupson & Howard. Our firm has ample experience in family law and custody cases and we may be able to help you.

You can find the podcast here:
