Kobe and Vanessa Bryant -- Have Collaborative Divorce Proceedings Brought Them Back Together?


Kobe and Vanessa Bryant have apparently already worked out a Marital Settlement Agreement in which Vanessa was given all 3 of the couple's Newport Beach homes. Their divorce proceedings appear to be amicable. This may be because the couple have chosen collaborative divorce as their method of dividing marital assets.

Yet even though the Marital Settlement Agreement has been finalized, the couple may be working on a reconciliation--which is most likely facilitated by the fact that the couple have used collaborative divorce to come to a mutually agreeable solution. Without the rancor and animosity that come from a contested divorce proceeding, it is possible to come together once again despite coming very close to finalizing a divorce.

Our Pasadena family law firm handles many collaborative divorce cases, which involve each party retaining their own attorney but signing an agreement that they will work together towards resolution that is in the best interest of both parties. We also provide mediation services, in which the parties represent themselves but come together to have mediated discussions in the presence of an attorney the parties have both agreed upon. Even if you don't have 3 houses in Newport Beach, collaborative divorce or mediation may be right for you--and who knows, you might be drawn back together as a result!