Heidi Klum and Seal: Can Mediation Foster Reconciliation?


On January 23, Heidi Klum and Seal announced their separation and possible divorce. Yet both Heidi and Seal have been spotted still wearing their wedding bands as recently as January 28. And Seal has been doing the talk show circuit to promote his upcoming album, Soul 2, and telling any host who will listen that he doesn't want a divorce from Heidi and continues to wear his ring because "I'm still married to this incredible woman".

When parties are lukewarm about ending their marriage and the possibility of reconciliation exists, mediation or collaborative divorce can help a couple come to the realization that they would rather not proceed with divorce/dissolution. Even if the couple decides not to reconcile, an amicable divorce utilizing the mediation process can ensure there are no acrimonious disputes and that each party is comfortable with the results.

Collaborative divorce and mediation are especially advantageous when children are involved, as in Heidi Klum and Seal's case. The level of hostilty is much lower and children do not have to watch their parents go through contentious divorce proceedings. Additionally, decisions regarding the children and custody can be come to in a much more harmonious manner.

Our office handles many mediation/collaborative divorce cases. If your situation mirrors Heidi Klum and Seal's (most likely without the platinum record sales, TV shows, millions of dollars in assets and private jets, however), feel free to contact our office and schedule an appointment for a consultation. We also offer free case evaluations over the phone for a reasonable period of time.