This entry and the three to follow summarize an article titled, "Discovering
Unreported Income" by Carlton R. Marcyan, published in the ABA Section
to Family Law publication "Family Advocate"
Ethical Issues
The strict confidentiality that exists between an attorney and client
is one of the primary traits that make the attorney-client relationship
so unique. The ability of a client to be able to tell his or her attorney
the "whole story" is imperative in enabling an attorney to represent
his or client's interest to the fullest. It is important, however,
for clients to understand that their attorney must also answer to the
Rules of Professional Ethics.
Attorneys must walk a fine line under Model Rule 1.2 which provides, in
part, that "A lawyer shall not counsel a client to engage, or assist
a client, in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent."
At the same time, this same Rule also says, "...but a lawyer may
discuss the legal consequences of any proposed course of conduct with
a client and may counsel or assist a client to make a good faith effort
to determine the validity, scope, meaning or application of the law."
Where Does This Issue Arise in Family Law?
These ethical issues may more quickly be associated with criminal law
or tax law, for example. However,family law attorneys face similar ethical
dilemmas regularly as a result of the full and complete financial disclosure
requirements. During the disclosure process it is not uncommon to suspect
that the other spouse is hiding or undervaluing assets, or perhaps that
the attorney's own client is the one not fully disclosing all financial
This puts an attorney is a compromising situation. If an attorney discovers,
for example, that her client is guilty of tax evasion, she must realize
that, pursuant to the United States Code, she "...may be charged
with conspiracy to impede collection of a federal tax as well as with
a separate charge of impeding." So, what should an attorney do if
she becomes aware that her client is engaging in fraudulent activity?
Model Rule 1.6 provides that, with some exceptions, a lawyer "shall
withdraw" if the representation will result in violation of the rules
of professional conduct or other law.
What's an Attorney to do?
Marcyan advises in the article that, "At the beginning of each new
case, it is good practice to advise your client that his or her disclosure
to you of 'hidden' assets or income places you in an ethical dilemma.
A client's incomplete financial disclosure, inaccurate interrogatory
response, or deposition or trial testimony may not be ignored." In
essence, an attorney would be wise to warn her client about the ethical
constraints imposed by the Model Code before any ethical issues even have
a chance of arising.

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